Ronald McDonald House Charities

Ronald McDonald House Charities® Southwestern Ontario About Us

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Cartwheels 8 years later!

Sienna's doing cartwheels

While 2013 may feel like a long time ago, for Amber and Dan, it feels like just yesterday. At only 11 weeks old, baby Sienna was diagnosed with Salmonella poisoning. Until having a newborn with the infection, they didn’t realize just how dangerous it was.


I never knew this space for families inside the hospital existed until Sienna became ill. I am forever grateful to have benefitted from the Family Room's comfort when I needed it most.

For two weeks, Sienna was admitted to the hospital were long days involved test after test, spinal taps, and medications to mend her back to health. Being first-time parents at the time, emotions were high. 

“The unknown is always scary. When we were discharged the first time, all of Sienna’s symptoms came back and within 24 hours, we were back in hospital again. With Sienna being a baby, she was unable to tell us how she felt which made us feel helpless. Like every parent, you wish you could take their pain away.


Being that we live in London, we were able to benefit from the Ronald McDonald Family Room on the 6th floor at Children's Hospital. Having this space gave us the ability to shower, nap, and take a breather while enjoying a snack in a quiet welcoming space.

Today, Sienna is 8 years old and loves being a helpful big sister, dancing, rollerblading, cooking, playing baseball, and doing cartwheels everywhere she can! She may have been too young to remember how important the Ronald McDonald Family Room was for her family, but Amber and Dan will never forget.

“In a stressful time when your child is sick the only priority is their health and as parents, we forget to take care of ourselves. Knowing RMHC is there to help and support families is amazing. I am forever grateful to the donors and volunteers who supported our family. Eight years later, I am still so thankful and appreciative!”

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